Pasquale Colucci was born in 1975 in Cosenza. Since his childhood he has shown a creative aptitude for drawing, painting and playing percussion, following his father’s footsteps, a French horn player at that time. 
After taking his high school degree, he moved to Milan, where he studied modern guitar and graphic design; at the same time he went through different working experiences.
After spending seven years in Milan, he decided to come back to the South of Italy, where he focused on painting, music, web design and photography.
After a long experience he developd his personal painting style;  his works are exhibited in different art galleries, traveling throughout Italy, especially Calabria and Puglia, his grandfather’s land of origin.
He is also traveling abroad, discovering not only the European cultures but also cultures from other parts of the world. Visiting the principal art museums of the world, he presents and promotes to the public of the most important cities, his innovative idea of Art, which fuses Music with Nature.




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